LED operation with a smartphone (Wi-Fi, web server, SPIFFS with ESP32)

In the Video



1. Overview

We will implement Wi-Fi connection, web server function, and SPIFFS on ESP32.
Although it is a series that eventually produces smart remote controls, this content alone is complete.
For development, we will use Arduino and ESP32 to realize it.

2. Overall flow of Smart Remote Controller Production

We will eventually create a smart remote control, and we will distribute it in a total of 7 posts.
This is the fifth “LED operation with a smartphone”.

1Overall flow, system configuration, items used,
reasons for selection, development environment, etc.
Another Post
2Green LEDLearn the basics for beginners. We will make “L blinking” that lights up and blinks the LED.
3Infrared receiving sensorDescription of infrared receiving sensor Schematic to Wiring, Software
4Infrared transmission LEDInfrared transmission LED description
Schematic to Wiring, Software
5LED operation with smartphone(at home)We will create software to operate the LED with smartphone. (Web server function, SPIFFS operation)This Post
6Remote control with smartphone(at home)We will create software that to operate the remote control with smartphone indoors. (Button name, signal save/read)Another Post
7Operate from outside And AI speaker cooperationWe will create software to operate the remote control with smartphone from the outdoors, and AI speaker cooperation.

3. The development environment

Arduino was developed in Italy under the philosophy of “making things easier and easier to understand”.
Currently, it is widely used for learning all over the world, and the library is also substantial.
So, if you want to start electronic work, I think this is the only development environment.
Therefore, I use Arduino at this time.

4-1. Software [String ver]

Here is the Arduino sketch(program).

//  Web LED Control Ver2023.1.26
//  Arduino board : ESP32(Arduino core for the ESP32) by Espressif Systems ver 2.0.6
//  Written by IT-Taro

// Load the library
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>

// Pin settings
const byte LED_PIN = 22;  // green LED
bool ledFlag = true;      // LED control flag

// Wi-Fi settings
const char *ssid      = "##### SSID #####";
const char *password  = "### PASSWORD ###";
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 123);     // IP address (IP used by this machine)
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 1);  // default gateway
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // sub-net mask

// Define WebServer (use port 80)
AsyncWebServer webServer ( 80 );

void setup(void) {
  // Serial settings
  Serial.println ( );
  // LED setting
  pinMode ( LED_PIN, OUTPUT );
  // Wireless Wi-Fi connection
  WiFi.config( ip, gateway, subnet );
  WiFi.begin ( ssid, password );

  // Wi-Fi connection processing (infinite loop until connected)
  while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
    // Blink the LED every 1 second
    ledFlag = !ledFlag;
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledFlag);
    // Wait for 1 second
    delay ( 1000 );
    Serial.print ( "." );
  // Since the Wi-Fi connection was established, the IP address is displayed on the serial monitor
  Serial.print ( "Wi-Fi Connected! IP address: " );
  Serial.println ( WiFi.localIP() );
  // LED lighting (Wi-Fi connection status)
  digitalWrite ( LED_PIN, true );

  // Set WebServer reception process "/"
  webServer.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    sendHtml(request);          // Send web page content
    Serial.println ( "TOP page" );
  // Set WebServer reception processing "/on"
  webServer.on("/on", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);  // LED is lit by setting the LED pin to HIGH
    Serial.println ( "LED ON" );
    sendHtml(request);          // Send web page content
  // Set WebServer reception processing "/off"
  webServer.on("/off", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);   // LED is lit by setting the LED pin to HIGH
    Serial.println ( "LED OFF" );
    sendHtml(request);          // Send web page content
  // WebServer startup processing
  Serial.println ( "Web server started" );

void loop(void){

// Send web page content (HTML)
void sendHtml(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
  // Set the HTML (character string) to reply
  String res_html ="\
    <h1>LED Control</h1>\r\n\
    <p><button type='button' onclick='location.href=\"/on\"' style='width:700px;height:200px;'><font size=+5>LED-ON</font></button></p>\r\n\
    <p><button type='button' onclick='location.href=\"/off\"' style='width:700px;height:200px;'><font size=+5>LED-OFF</font></button></p>\r\n\
  // Reply HTML
  request->send ( 200, "text/html", res_html );
  Serial.println ( "send html text" );

4-1. Software [File ver]

//  Web LED Control [File] Ver2023.1.26
//  Arduino board : ESP32(Arduino core for the ESP32) by Espressif Systems ver 2.0.6
//  Written by IT-Taro

// Load the library
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>

// Pin settings
const byte LED_PIN = 22;  // green LED
bool ledFlag = true;      // LED control flag

// Wi-Fi settings
const char *ssid      = "##### SSID #####";
const char *password  = "### PASSWORD ###";
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 123);     // IP address (IP used by this machine)
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 1);  // default gateway
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // sub-net mask

// Define WebServer (use port 80)
AsyncWebServer webServer ( 80 );

void setup(void) {
  // Serial settings
  Serial.println ( );
  // SPIFFS start
  // LED setting
  pinMode ( LED_PIN, OUTPUT );
  // Wireless Wi-Fi connection
  WiFi.config( ip, gateway, subnet );
  WiFi.begin ( ssid, password );

  // Wi-Fi connection processing (infinite loop until connected)
  while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
    // Blink the LED every 1 second
    ledFlag = !ledFlag;
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledFlag);
    // Wait for 1 second
    delay ( 1000 );
    Serial.print ( "." );
  // Since the Wi-Fi connection was established, the IP address is displayed on the serial monitor
  Serial.print ( "Wi-Fi Connected! IP address: " );
  Serial.println ( WiFi.localIP() );
  // LED lighting (Wi-Fi connection status)
  digitalWrite ( LED_PIN, true );

  // Set WebServer reception process "/"
  webServer.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    sendHtml(request);          // Send web page content
    Serial.println ( "TOP page" );
  // Set WebServer reception processing "/on"
  webServer.on("/on", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);  // LED is lit by setting the LED pin to HIGH
    Serial.println ( "LED ON" );
    sendHtml(request);          // Send web page content
  // Set WebServer reception processing "/off"
  webServer.on("/off", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);   // LED is lit by setting the LED pin to HIGH
    Serial.println ( "LED OFF" );
    sendHtml(request);          // Send web page content
  // WebServer startup processing
  Serial.println ( "Web server started" );

void loop(void){

// Send web page content (HTML)
void sendHtml(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
  // Send web page
  request->send(SPIFFS, "/ledControl.html", "text/html");
  Serial.println ( "send html file" );
    <h1>LED Control [file]</h1>
    <p><button type='button' onclick='location.href="/on"' style='width:700px;height:200px;'><font size=+5>LED-ON</font></button></p>
    <p><button type='button' onclick='location.href="/off"' style='width:700px;height:200px;'><font size=+5>LED-OFF</font></button></p>

Document [at youtube]


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